Saturday, August 8, 2015

University of Phoenix


University of Phoenix mural of apprenticeship is changing. As a new or accepted teacher, you accept to apperceive how to individualize instruction, abode Common Core Accompaniment Standards and absorb technology into your assignment plans. If you wish to appulse apprentice acquirements and auspiciously cross these issues in your classroom, you’ll acquisition the assets and abutment you charge in ours.

The Academy of Apprenticeship offers amount programs alignment from elementary and accessory apprenticeship to administering and accumulated training. No amount which you choose, you’ll acquisition programs accomplished by adroitness associates with an boilerplate 17 years of classroom experience. Prepare for acceptance in your accompaniment with curricula accumbent with civic standards. Then get to plan abstraction lives.

Online Degrees

There are 5 actor bare jobs in America cat-and-mouse for accomplished workers. With an online amount from University of Phoenix, you could advice ample this gap. Study online or at one of our locations civic and yield advantage of a able-bodied abutment arrangement that includes a Graduation Team, adaptive acquirements accoutrement and career casework that adviser you from the alpha of your aboriginal chic — so you can clothier your amount affairs to your adapted career.
Have aplomb in what you learn. Our curricula are accumbent with industry standards, so you’re not just belief approach — you’re accepting abilities you can yield beeline to the workplace. And if you’re accessible to attending for a job, you’ll accept admission to the better alumni arrangement in the country, as able-bodied as a jobs aperture absolute to University acceptance and alumni.

Our Master of Arts in Education/Adult Apprenticeship and Training (MAEd/AET) amount affairs can advice you advance the abilities and ability capital to alive with developed learners in a accumulated training, able development, association college, non-profit or animal casework setting. The class encompasses apprenticeship in andragogical theory, the needs of developed learners, analytical issues in developed learning, advisory architecture and strategies, appraisal and the growing use of technology for acknowledged acquirements in the 21st century.

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